My Story

Hi I’m Cynthia!

Let me tell you a little bit about me…

As a First-Generation Latina Trauma Therapist and daughter of immigrant farm workers in California, I internalized survival as a generational pattern—it never felt like a choice. Like many of you, I absorbed messages from intergenerational trauma, limiting beliefs, family hardships, grief, and loss. I navigated toxic relationships, heartbreak, and systems not designed for me, which left me feeling small, stuck, and struggling.

This impacted my self-confidence, self-esteem, and ability to show up authentically. It blocked me from speaking my truth and taking up space in all areas of my life—relationships, career, family, and professional settings. My mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being suffered.

I felt disconnected from my true self, battling imposter syndrome, self-doubt, anxiety, and depression. As a first-generation daughter of immigrants, I lacked the tools to navigate these challenges.

For a long time, I played small, was a people-pleaser, and chose toxic relationships. I struggled to communicate my needs and boundaries. I kept myself small and didn’t advocate for myself, believing the saying, "calladita me veo más bonita."

Cynthia Flores Latinx Online Therapist, Coach and Speaker in San Francisco Bay Area California. She Empowers First Gen & Black, Indigenous, and people of color to Unlearn Self-Sabotage, Breakthrough Limiting Beliefs & Level Up in Life

Something clicked when I was in graduate school and started learning about intergenerational trauma. I began cultivating self-awareness and realized that to break cycles and patterns that no longer served me, I had to choose myself.

I learned that I didn’t have to heal alone and that seeking help was essential. My healing journey began with psychotherapy, and I also found a supportive community of friends along the way.

I then understood that my experiences, hardships, and traumas didn’t define me. I realized that I have a choice in how I want to live my life, so I decided to rewrite my story, one page at a time.

After embarking on my healing journey, I now understand that my past experiences shaped my perception of reality. I also learned that I can reframe that reality, reshape my perceptions, and rewrite my story, allowing me to step into my power.

I am human before I am a therapist, and as I continue this journey, I know my purpose is to help others break cycles, heal, manifest, grow, and transform their lives.

“This is why the work I do is a life purpose and being of service who are also seeking healing”

I’m here to support you, guide you, hold space for your healing journey, empower you to manifest your dream life and celebrate you in every step of the way!

Fun Facts About Me:

I am a cat mom of two cutie pies, I have a partner in crime (my husband) who supports my wildest dreams, I love to listen to podcasts that focus on the intersection of personal development, entrepreneurship, healing and spirituality.

As a multi-faceted individual, I also love all things wellness, fashion, fitness, and lifestyle. I love crime documentaries and traveling, and I also speak 3 languages: Español & Portuguese are the other two.

Cynthia Flores Latinx Therapist, Coach and Speaker in San Francisco Bay Area California. She Empowers First Gen & Black, Indigenous, and people of color to Unlearn Self-Sabotage, Breakthrough Limiting Beliefs & Level Up in Life

My Approach

I am a firm believer that we heal in relationships and not in isolation; therefore, I believe in the healing power of the therapeutic relationship and regardless of what intervention, modality or approach I integrate, I will hold space for you, guide you in your individual process and in your journey of cultivating self-awareness, in order for you to gain an understanding, and make changes in your life such as break self-sabotaging patterns, unlearning the programmed beliefs in order for you to live a fulfilling life that supports your personal growth your purpose and goals.

I’m not going to sit with you and just give you nods and ‘uhus.’ I integrate a collaborative approach and accountability, meaning that the work also happens outside of therapy.

My approach will empower you to align to your purpose and support you in taking radical action to make conscious changes in your life.

I will support you in enjoying the process by tapping into joy, rest, integration, presence, pleasure, radical self-compassion, radical self-love and collective healing.

Healing is lifelong and often non-linear and it ain’t cute, and yes, it can feel scary sitting with the discomfort and allow yourself to be vulnerable. Even though this journey can be very isolating, know that you are not alone. We’ll make sure you sit back and enjoy the process.

You are not alone, I got you!

Professional Credentials

  • M.A. Clinical Counseling emphasis in Marriage & Family Therapist- Palo Alto University, 2019

  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #133322 (LMFT Licensed in California)

  • B.A. in Psychology from San Francisco State University, 2016

  • Mujer Holística Meditation Teacher Certification, 2020

  • Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)-The Institute for Creative Mindfulness, 2022

My question for you is…